What’s In The Pipeline in Summertime?

Are You Prepared to Tackle the Storm Season?


Summer is ideal for hanging out with friends, beach days, and unwinding with a chilled drink in hand. When the holidays roll in, it often means more home time and the likelihood of extra friends or family members relaxing at your place. This leads to an increase in showers, laundry and dishes causing pressure on your plumbing system. Without proactive measures, rising temperatures can quickly lead to unexpected issues. Take a moment to inspect for gas leaks if you own a gas BBQ, ensure your washing machine hose and backyard sprinkler are leak free, check for dripping shower heads and inspect your flexible hose connections for any wear and tear. While these actions may appear minor, they contribute to the smooth operation of your plumbing, helping you steer clear of any unpleasant surprises in the future.


During the Gold Coast summer, there’s typically a surge in storms and rainfall between December and April. Even if your gutters and down pipes are in good shape, a blocked or damaged stormwater drain can lead to flooding and hefty repair costs. To ensure the effectiveness of your stormwater system, it’s crucial to have a professional drainage plumber inspect it using a CCTV camera. This technology allows for the identification of any potential issues within the stormwater system of your home. Whether it’s clearing obstructions or blockages with a high-pressure water jet or replacing damaged pipes, addressing these concerns before heavy rain provides peace of mind, knowing your stormwater system is ready to tackle the challenge.


If your household indulged in lengthy showers throughout the colder season, your hot water system may be contending with internal debris, hampering its efficiency and elevating the likelihood of a breakdown. Regular maintenance during the summer is crucial to address these issues and ensure the optimal functioning of your hot water system.

By taking these proactive steps, you can help ensure that your plumbing system is in good working condition during the summer months in Australia. If you’re unsure about any specific aspect, it’s always a good idea to consult with a professional plumber.

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